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Professional Paper Wasp Control & Removal | Learn Facts & Safe Solutions - BugZout Pest Control

 Discover expert paper wasp control and removal services with BugZout Pest Control. Read important facts about paper wasps and find safe, professional solutions to prevent infestations near your home. Serving Canon City, Florence, Penrose, and surrounding areas. 

Paper Wasp Facts: Understanding and Controlling These Stinging Pests

Paper wasps are a common sight around homes, particularly in the warmer months when they build their characteristic umbrella-shaped nests. Known for their paper-like material used in constructing these nests, these insects are often misunderstood. While they play a role in controlling other pests, their presence around homes and businesses can become a serious issue. This article will explore key facts about paper wasps, why their nests can be hazardous, and the importance of professional pest control solutions to keep your property safe.

What Are Paper Wasps?

Paper wasps (Polistes spp.) are a type of social wasp, recognized by their slender bodies, narrow waists, and long legs. They are typically brown with yellow or red markings, although some species may have brighter colorations. Paper wasps range in size from about ¾ to 1 inch in length. Their name comes from the material used in nest construction, which is a combination of chewed wood fibers and their saliva, creating a papery substance.

Paper wasps are sometimes confused with hornets or yellow jackets, but they are generally less aggressive unless their nest is disturbed. However, a sting from a paper wasp can be painful and, for individuals allergic to wasp venom, potentially dangerous.

The Nesting Habits of Paper Wasps

One of the distinguishing features of paper wasps is their open, umbrella-shaped nests. These nests are usually built in sheltered areas such as under eaves, decks, and roof overhangs, but they can also be found in trees or shrubs. Unlike other wasp species that create enclosed nests, paper wasps leave the cells of their nests exposed, making the larvae visible.

Paper wasps are most active during the spring and summer months when they are building their nests and raising their young. As fall approaches, the queen and worker wasps die off, leaving behind fertilized queens to hibernate and start new colonies in the following year.

Why Are Paper Wasps Dangerous?

While paper wasps are not as aggressive as some other stinging insects, their nests near human activity can still pose a threat. A sting from a paper wasp is painful, and unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times. If a nest is disturbed or feels threatened, paper wasps can become defensive and attack anyone nearby.

For individuals allergic to wasp stings, even a single sting can lead to a severe reaction, such as anaphylaxis, requiring immediate medical attention. This risk makes it essential to remove paper wasp nests, particularly if they are located near doorways, windows, or outdoor living spaces.

The Importance of Paper Wasp Pest Control

If you spot a paper wasp nest on your property, it is important to handle it professionally. Attempting to remove a wasp nest on your own is not only dangerous but can also result in the wasps becoming aggressive. Professional pest control services, like those provided by BugZout Pest Control, ensure that nests are safely and effectively removed without putting you, your family, or your pets at risk.

At BugZout, we use specialized equipment and techniques to safely eliminate wasp nests. Our trained technicians can assess the situation, locate all potential nesting sites, and provide targeted solutions to remove the nests and prevent future infestations.

Preventing Paper Wasps Around Your Home

While it is impossible to eliminate all wasps from an area, there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of paper wasps building nests near your home:

Seal Entry Points: Check for gaps or cracks around windows, doors, and rooflines, which can be potential entry points for paper wasps.
Remove Food Sources: Paper wasps are attracted to sugary substances, so it's important to clean up food spills and keep garbage bins sealed.
Limit Water Sources: Like all insects, paper wasps need water to survive. Reduce standing water around your property to minimize attraction.
Trim Vegetation: Overgrown trees and shrubs can provide perfect nesting spots for paper wasps, so keep vegetation around your home trimmed and maintained.

Understanding Paper Wasp Behavior

Paper wasps are beneficial in some respects as they prey on other insects, such as caterpillars and beetle larvae. However, when they build their nests too close to homes or businesses, the risks outweigh the benefits. Wasps tend to forage for food during the warmer months, with a preference for nectar and sugary liquids. If food is scarce, they may be more likely to scavenge in human areas, making it more likely for people to encounter them.

In spring, the queen begins to build a nest and lay eggs, which will develop into worker wasps. These workers take over nest-building duties and foraging for food. By late summer, the colony is at its largest, and this is when paper wasps are most active and potentially aggressive.

Professional Paper Wasp Removal: Why It Matters

Professional pest control is the safest and most effective way to handle paper wasp infestations. At BugZout Pest Control, we offer a comprehensive approach to paper wasp control, focusing not just on removal but also on prevention. Our services include:

Nest Removal: Using professional-grade equipment, we safely remove nests from difficult-to-reach locations without disturbing the wasps.
Ongoing Monitoring: We offer follow-up inspections to ensure that new nests are not forming and that wasp activity is reduced.
Preventive Treatments: We apply treatments in common nesting areas to deter wasps from building new nests on your property.

Our expert team understands the behaviors of paper wasps and utilizes eco-friendly solutions that are safe for both your family and the environment.

Paper Wasp Control and Your Safety

The safety of your family and pets is our top priority at BugZout Pest Control. Paper wasps pose a direct threat due to their stinging ability, and nests near high-traffic areas or entrances to your home increase the chances of an encounter. In addition, wasps are more likely to become aggressive in late summer and early fall, making it even more important to address any infestations early.

With professional paper wasp control, you can rest assured that the risk of stings is minimized, and your property will be a safer place for outdoor activities.


Paper wasps, though beneficial to the environment by controlling other insect populations, are a common pest that can create safety concerns when they nest near homes or businesses. Their ability to sting multiple times and the risk they pose to those with allergies make them a serious hazard. BugZout Pest Control offers expert paper wasp control, providing safe and effective removal and prevention solutions tailored to your needs.

By focusing on professional removal and proactive prevention, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is protected from these stinging insects. For paper wasp control services in Canon City, Florence, Penrose, Westcliffe, Salida, and the surrounding areas, contact BugZout Pest Control today. Let us help you keep your BugZout and your home safe.

Have a Paper Wasp infestation? Don't wait! Contact Us today for expert paper wasp control and keep your home safe with BugZout Pest Control. Contact Us Here