Carpenter Ant Facts and Professional Pest Control Solutions by BugZout, LLC

Carpenter ants are a common household pest that can cause significant structural damage if left untreated. These large black or red ants get their name from their ability to excavate wood to build nests, which can weaken the integrity of wooden structures in homes. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not consume wood. Instead, they carve out tunnels and galleries to create living spaces for their colonies. This destruction can go unnoticed for long periods, making it essential for homeowners to identify carpenter ant infestations early and seek professional pest control services, such as those offered by BugZout, LLC.

At BugZout Pest Control, we specialize in safe and effective carpenter ant extermination, preventing these wood-damaging pests from wreaking havoc on your property. Our expert team is equipped with the tools and knowledge to assess and address carpenter ant infestations using advanced methods that ensure long-lasting results. Below, we’ll explore key facts about carpenter ants and why professional extermination is the best course of action.

Understanding Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are among the largest ant species, ranging from 6 to 12 mm in length, though some species may grow even larger. They are typically black but can also be red or a combination of red and black. One of the most distinguishing characteristics of carpenter ants is their preference for damp or decaying wood, which is easier for them to tunnel through. However, they are fully capable of colonizing dry wood structures as well, especially if their colony grows large enough.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not consume wood as part of their diet. They prefer sweet substances, such as honeydew from aphids, or proteins from other insects. Inside homes, carpenter ants are known to forage for sugary foods and proteins, sometimes invading kitchens in search of food. Though carpenter ants do not eat wood, their tunneling activities can cause significant damage, especially if the infestation is left unchecked.

Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation

Detecting a carpenter ant infestation early is crucial to minimize damage to your property. Some key signs of carpenter ants include:

  • Sightings of Large Ants Indoors: Spotting large, black or red ants indoors is one of the first signs of an infestation. These ants are often seen foraging for food, particularly at night.

  • Sawdust or Frass: Carpenter ants create sawdust-like material called frass as they excavate wood. You may notice piles of frass near wooden structures, especially around windows, doors, or baseboards.

  • Hollow Sounds in Wood: Tapping on wooden surfaces that have been infested by carpenter ants may produce a hollow sound. This occurs because carpenter ants have tunneled through the wood, leaving behind empty galleries.

  • Rustling Noises: In severe infestations, you might hear rustling or faint crackling sounds coming from within the walls or wooden furniture. These noises are the result of carpenter ants moving around in their tunnels.

  • Damaged Wood: Wood that appears smooth but is damaged internally is a sign of carpenter ant activity. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat the wood but remove it to create nesting areas.

Why Carpenter Ants Are Problematic

Carpenter ants may not consume wood, but the structural damage they cause can still be extensive. As they excavate galleries to expand their colonies, they weaken the wooden beams and supports in homes. This can lead to sagging floors, cracked walls, or even structural collapse in extreme cases. Carpenter ant infestations can also attract other pests, such as moisture-loving insects, further exacerbating the problem.

Carpenter ants can establish multiple satellite colonies around the main nest, making it difficult for homeowners to fully eradicate the infestation without professional help. This is where BugZout Pest Control comes in.

Professional Carpenter Ant Control by BugZout

Attempting to handle a carpenter ant infestation on your own can often result in frustration and incomplete elimination of the problem. Over-the-counter ant baits and sprays may kill a few workers, but they rarely reach the heart of the colony, where the queen and larvae reside. To effectively eliminate carpenter ants, it is essential to address the entire colony, including the satellite nests.

At BugZout, LLC, we provide comprehensive carpenter ant extermination services designed to locate, target, and eliminate both the main nest and any satellite colonies. Our approach includes:

  • Thorough Inspection: Our expert technicians perform a detailed inspection of your property, looking for signs of carpenter ant activity, entry points, and conducive conditions that may be attracting the ants. Identifying the source of the infestation is the first step toward effective treatment.

  • Customized Treatment Plan: Every carpenter ant infestation is unique. Based on our inspection findings, we develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific situation. This plan targets the colony at its source, ensuring complete eradication of carpenter ants.

  • Non-Invasive Treatments: At BugZout, we use safe and environmentally friendly methods to exterminate carpenter ants. Our treatments are designed to minimize disruption to your home and family while effectively eliminating the infestation.

  • Follow-Up Services: Carpenter ant control doesn’t end with one treatment. Depending on the severity of the infestation, multiple visits may be necessary to ensure long-term success. Our technicians provide follow-up services to monitor the situation and apply additional treatments as needed.

  • Prevention Tips: After successfully eliminating carpenter ants from your home, we provide guidance on how to prevent future infestations. This may include suggestions for repairing water damage, sealing cracks and crevices, and keeping food sources properly stored.

Carpenter Ant Prevention Tips

Preventing carpenter ant infestations requires a proactive approach. Here are some tips to help keep your home carpenter ant-free:

  • Address Moisture Issues: Carpenter ants are attracted to damp wood, so it’s important to fix any leaks in your plumbing or roof. Ensure that water drains away from your home’s foundation and keep gutters clean.

  • Trim Vegetation: Carpenter ants often enter homes by using tree branches or shrubs as a bridge. Keep vegetation trimmed back from your home’s exterior to limit their access.

  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect the exterior of your home for cracks or gaps where carpenter ants might enter. Seal these openings with caulk or weather stripping to reduce the chances of an infestation.

  • Store Firewood Away from Your Home: Carpenter ants often nest in woodpiles. Keep firewood stored at least 20 feet away from your home and off the ground.

  • Keep Food Sealed: Since carpenter ants also forage for food, it’s essential to keep food items, especially sweets and proteins, sealed tightly. Clean up any food spills promptly and take out the trash regularly.

Why Choose BugZout for Carpenter Ant Extermination

At BugZout, LLC, we understand that carpenter ant infestations can be stressful for homeowners. Our team is committed to providing high-quality, reliable pest control services that effectively eliminate carpenter ants while ensuring the safety of your home and family. Here are a few reasons why BugZout is the right choice for carpenter ant control:

  • Experienced Technicians: Our technicians are highly trained and experienced in dealing with carpenter ant infestations. We stay up-to-date with the latest pest control techniques and technologies to deliver the best possible results.

  • Environmentally Friendly Solutions: We prioritize the safety of your home and the environment. Our pest control methods are designed to be effective while minimizing harm to non-target species and ecosystems.

  • Guaranteed Results: We stand by the quality of our work. If carpenter ants return after our treatment, we’ll come back to re-treat your property at no additional cost.

  • Local Expertise: As a locally owned and operated pest control company, BugZout understands the unique challenges posed by carpenter ants in our region. We are familiar with the common entry points and nesting habits of carpenter ants in homes across Canon City, Florence, Penrose, Westcliffe, Salida, and the surrounding areas.


Carpenter ants can cause extensive damage to the structural integrity of your home if not treated promptly. BugZout Pest Control offers professional carpenter ant control solutions designed to eliminate these destructive pests and prevent future infestations. If you suspect you have a carpenter ant problem, don’t wait until the damage is done. Contact BugZout today and let us keep your bugz out!

Have a Carpenter Ant infestation? Don't wait! Contact Us today for expert carpenter ant control and keep your home safe with BugZout Pest Control. Contact Us Here

Have a Carpenter Ant infestation? Don't wait! Contact Us today for expert carpenter ant control and keep your home safe with BugZout Pest Control.  Contact Us Here

Carpenter Ant Control & Extermination Services | BugZout Pest Control

 Learn about carpenter ant infestations and how BugZout Pest Control provides professional extermination and prevention solutions. Protect your home from damage with expert ant control services in Canon City, Florence, Penrose, Westcliffe, and Salida. Read more about how to get rid of carpenter ants safely and effectively with BugZout.